The procedures and management page of the Valdefuentes City Council requests personal data from its users, such as name, last name, address, etc., in order to carry out the requested procedures, in compliance with the security and confidentiality conditions required by the current legislation in each case.

In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), this data will be included in the corresponding computerized files of the Valdefuentes City Council, in accordance with the legislation or regulations in force in each case, and will be processed solely for the purpose described in each case.

Personal data will be treated with the appropriate level of protection, as established by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, with the necessary security measures to prevent its alteration, loss, processing, or unauthorized access by third parties who may use it for purposes other than those requested by the user. Under no circumstances is there a policy of transferring personal data. The data will never be transferred, except by court order or by current law that obliges the Valdefuentes City Council to do so.

Users can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition, in accordance with what is established in the LOPD, at the municipal offices of the Valdefuentes City Council.

To exercise these rights, the interested party should contact:

Valdefuentes City Council Address: Plazuela del Convento, 1-A 10180, Valdefuentes (Cáceres)

Clearly indicate in the subject: Exercise of LOPD Rights.