
Until the 19th century, Valdefuentes had two hermitages, ‘Los Mártires’ (Saint Fabián and Saint Sebastián) and ‘La Magdalena’ (the old one).
The first one, located on the hill of Camino de la Torre, already appeared in the visits of the Order of Santiago to the town in the late 15th century. However, it disappeared as a result of Godoy’s Confiscation in the early 19th century.

The Old Hermitage of La Magdalena

The second one, the old hermitage of ‘La Magdalena,’ located between El Juncoso and Los Perigales (the latter now in ruins), was one of the most venerated places of worship in the area. Until 1940, it belonged to the Brotherhood of La Magdalena, serving as the headquarters for the pilgrimage to the saint traditionally held on the Monday after Easter Sunday. However, its abandonment and the absence of festivities celebrated in the hermitage itself led to its deterioration, eventually leaving it in ruins. Some of its walls were visible until 1980.

Old Hermitage
Hermitage of La Magdalena

In 1979, the construction of the new hermitage of ‘La Magdalena’ began, utilizing some of the stone as a ‘memorial’ from the previous hermitage, a construction that extended until 1980. This new hermitage is currently located in Matahíjos, a much closer and accessible place for the townspeople.
In the same year, the new hermitage of ‘La Magdalena’ celebrated the pilgrimage for the first time, a festivity cherished by the locals where the image of María Magdalena is accompanied by a multitude of parishioners and devotees around the hermitage.
los ciudadanos.

Ese mismo año, la nueva ermita de ‘la Magdalena’ celebró por primera vez la romería, una festividad muy querida por los vecinos donde la imagen de María Magdalena va acompañada por multitud de feligreses y devotos por las inmediaciones de la ermita.